Thursday, April 5, 2007

Sebastião Salgado

Sebastião Ribeiro Salgado was born in Aimorés in 1944. He was the 6th child, and only boy in a family consisting of eight children. He stufied the economics of Brazil (1964-67) and had earned his M.A. in economics in 1968 from the University of São Paulo and Vanderbilt University. He earned his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Paris in 1971 and worked as a economist for the International Coffee Organization until 1973.

He discovered his love for photography when he borrowed his wife Lélia's camera on a trip to Africa and decided to switch to photography in 1973. He then joined the Sygma photo agency in 1974 to 1975 followed by the Gamma agency in 1975 until 1979. He was elected to membership in the international cooperative, Magnum Photos, and remained until 1994. He covered several news events and also started more personal documentary projects.

For seven years he wandered through Latin America. He walked to small mountain villages to produce the images for his exhibition, and eventually his book, Other Americas (1986), which was an in-depth examination of poorer parts of the world and how their cultures functioned. He did several documentary projects such as Workers (1993), After Terra: Struggle of the Landless (1997), and in 2000 Salgodo published Migrations of The Children.

Sabastiao Salgado is a world-renowned photographer, known to be part of the tradition of “concerned photography,” and has been awarded several major photographic prizes and awards recognizing his accomplishments from around the world. In 1994 he founded his own press agency, Amazonas Images, which is a representation of him and much of his work. He now lives in Paris with his two sons, and his wife, Lélia Wanick Salgado, who is also his collaborator and has designed most of his books.

My Sources:

Two links to pictures:

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