Born in the neighbourhood of Park Slope in Brooklyn, New York, Gregory Crewdson came into the world in 1962 on September 26. He wasn't always an aspiring photographer, during his teenaged years he became a member in a punk rock group called The Speedies that sold out rock shows all over town. Their hit song, "Let Me Take Your Foto" was used by Hewlett Packard for their digital camera commercials in 2005. Being a world famous rocker was not to be his destiny however; he decided to move on from music to study photography at State University of New York at Purchase. He would later acquire his Master in Fine Arts from Yale University and later teach at Sarah Lawrance, Cooper Union, Vassar Colege and Yale University to where he is currently situated since 1993.

His general underlying theme for most of his photographic works seem be that of fear, anxiety, and isolation. The sets used to capture some of the pictures that are taken by this man are very, very, elaborate and complex that seems to give every inch of the frame filled. The pictures seemed to have a sense of loss and hopelessness that seems to raise more questions than answers.
It is an interesting notion that such a seemingly ordinary and plain man such a Gregory Crewdson can produce such deep and thought-provoking portrayals of reality and at times fantasy. He has produced many works in very short amounts of time, especially in 2001 when dozens of astonishing photos were captured. This man appears to be born with a gift, a gift that has done him wonders and created just as many. He is expected to produce dozens if not more of fantastic and interesting works for many years to come.

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